Our Services

Image: Michelle J Photography

Our Services

  • Consultancy

    We provide information and resources to assist government departments to cater to a variety of stakeholders in relation to dingo management.

  • Community education and engagement

    We have a suite of resources to help improve public awareness in relation to dingoes and predator mitigation strategies for landholders.

  • Landholder Advice

    Adjusting management methods can be daunting. The Dingo Advisory Council provides support to landholders moving to non-lethal alternatives.

Dingo resource hub

  • Australia's Iconic Dingo

    Dingoes are Australia’s only native canid. They are an apex predator and play a very important role in the natural environment keeping natural systems in balance. Dingoes are also identified as a keystone species, which means their unimpacted presence in the environment is essential for healthy ecosystem function.

  • Identifying a Dingo

    It comes as a surprise to many people that dingoes come in many different colours. This means dingoes can not be identified simply by looking at the colour of their coats. Despite this, there are many defining features that help to identify dingoes and distinguish them from domestic dogs.

  • How can Dingoes Benefit Cattle Farmers?

    Increasingly, cattle pastoralists are discovering the major economic and environmental advantages of maintaining dingoes on their properties through having the dingo control unmanaged grazing pressure.

  • The Significance of the Dingo in Indigenous Culture

    Dingoes are a sacred animal to many First Nations people across Australia. To some, they are considered family. Dingoes hold significant spiritual significance, and form an important part of Indigenous totems, Dreaming, lore/law and customs.

  • Livestock Guardian Animals to Protect Livestock

    Guardian animals have been used by farmers to protect livestock for thousands of years. The use of guardian animals has been found to successfully reduce or eliminate livestock predation by apex predators both in Australia and internationally.

  • Staying Dingo Safe

    Dingoes are Australia’s top order predators, and they play a vital role in our natural environment keeping ecosystems balanced. When spending time in known dingo territory, it is important to know how to move through the landscape safely, ensuring dingo and human interactions do not become negative ones. Dingoes pose little to no threat to humans in almost all cases.

  • Dingoes Impact on Invasive Animals

    As apex predators, dingoes play an important role in the environment keeping natural systems in balance. This includes directly predating on and competing with non-native species for resources. This helps to reduce the impact non-native species are having on Australia’s fragile environment.

  • 1080 poison Factsheet

    1080 poison is a tasteless, odourless, water soluble substance that is classed as one the most toxic in the world. Currently, 1080 poison is dropped into Australia’s natural environment to target dingoes, despite being banned in most countries around the world.

Image: Angus Emmott